Course Overview

Institute of Learning & Development Limited Courses
  • 10 Lessons
  • 60 Min
  • Emotions
  • Business


When two or more individuals meet together in one place, there is certain to be some kind of argument  or disagreement. Learners will walk away from this class with a six-step approach that can be used to the  modification and resolution of disputes of any magnitude. In addition, they will acquire essential skills  for resolving conflicts, such as coping with rage and using the Agreement Frame, in addition to being  able to employ fundamental approaches for anger and stress management. 

What Is Included In This Course 

Lesson 1. What is Conflict? 

Lesson 2. Conflict Resolution Styles  

Lesson 3. Neutralising Emotions 

Lesson 4. Establishing Mutual Understanding 

Lesson 5. Finding Common Grounds 

Lesson 6. Examining Root Cause 

Lesson 7. Creating Alternatives 

Lesson 8. Choosing a Solution 

Lesson 9. Evaluating the Situation 

Lesson 10. Making Use of Additional Tools

Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.                                                                                              Albert Einstein


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